EP5 Optics

Our research is based at the University of Würzburg, Germany, and I work in the Nano-Optics group headed by Prof. Bert Hecht who is chair of the Experimental Physics 5 (EP5). A couple of years ago a new facility (RCCM) was built and we got access to the nearly-empty clean room, offices and two optical labs.

The Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen-Center for Complex Material Systems (RCCM) building at the University of Würzburg

By now we equipped the labs with two optical setups and the clean room with a SEM, a He/Ga FIB, an ALD, optical microscopes, plasma cleaners, a fume hood, spin coaters and so on. Together with the already existing Ga FIB and TEM this gives us a very pleasant working environment allowing for fascinating projects.